Personal Care

Personal Dental Care: Taking Care Of Your Teeth

November 26, 2020 - 0 COMMENTS


When you get your photo taken, you usually smile andreveal to the world your teeth. Healthy teeth can be aindicator of one’s personality. Slobs usually haveteeth that are rotten and they have bad breath.

However, people who keep their teeth in tiptop shapeare the ones who are known to be successful andresponsible in their careers. Personal dental carediffers from one person to another, but it all comesdown to one important fact: the healthier your teethare, the greater you would look.

Aside from the aesthetic value of healthy,good-looking teeth, they also help a person chew foodsproperly. Remember, for a person to have a gooddigestion, the foods that he or she would eat shouldbe chewed properly. Having a good set of teeth alsoenables a person to speak clearly and confidently.

People who have a poor set of teeth are usually shyand hesitant to talk in public and fail to effectivelycommunicate with others. Although sometimes, the shapeand structure of one’s teeth may be genetic, dentistsand orthodontists can usually help re-shape andimprove crooked, ugly teeth.

The Importance Of Healthy Teeth It is very importantthat individuals take care of their teeth because itwill prevent plaque formation which pertains to aclear film that sticks to the surface of the teeth.

You might think that having a clear film stuck to yourteeth is harmful (since it’s clear, anyway) but youmight change your mind when you discover that the filmis very sticky and it has a magnet-like aura thatattracts bacteria to stick to it.

Sinfully Sugary Sweet Bacteria are attracted to sugarstuck on your teeth like ants in a picnic. Thebacteria that is attracted by the sugary substanceleft in your mouth after you eat candies or cakebreaks down the sugar into acid.

The acid is the one responsible for eating away yourtooth enamel, which would then cause holes in yourteeth called cavities. Too much plaque also causes adisease called gingivitis. It is a gum disease thatmakes gums red, sore and swollen.

The first indicator that you have gingivitis is whenyour gums easily bleed even with just simple and basicbrushing. Practicing personal dental care is reallyimportant because if one wouldn’t take care of his orher teeth, the cavities and unhealthy gums will makethe gum very sore and rotten.

Getting awful toothaches can also be a result of lackof personal dental care. Having toothaches and othermouth-related diseases due to lack of personal mouthhygiene will surely make eating, as well ascommunicating with other people difficult.

Brush Properly If you are already getting paranoidabout all the bacteria that is staying inside yourmouth, don’t be! You can actually combat the bacteriain your mouth by two simple weapons: toothbrush andtoothpaste.

By brushing your teeth at least two times a day, youcan break down the plaque and prevent it from buildingup to cause cavities and other teeth and mouthproblems.

Being a responsible owner of pearly whites is notdifficult. You just have to make sure that you don’tforget about your personal dental care amidst yourbusy work or lifestyle.


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