
How to Do a Decline Chest Press

June 21, 2022 - 0 COMMENTS


The decline chest press requires less stabilizer muscles than the bench press, but because of this, it’s easier to compensate and cheat on the movement by using your shoulders instead of your chest to press the weight up. To do a decline chest press correctly, start by holding the bar with an overhand grip that’s wider than shoulder width apart. Press the bar straight up until your arms are fully extended above your chest then lower the bar back down in a controlled manner until it touches your lower chest/collarbone area. When you can no longer control the weight, that’s one repetition done.

Recommended Equipment

No equipment is needed for doing decline chest presses, but having access to one helps because it allows you to adjust your body position. You can make a simple bench by stacking some sturdy books or boxes and placing them in front of your door frame. To achieve greater resistance on your triceps and less resistance on your pecs, just move further from the anchor point of whatever you’re using for support (for example, if you’re using a doorway as an anchor point, move closer). For even more intensity, use an actual bench (like one from your local gym) that allows you to adjust its incline. This way, as soon as one set becomes too easy you can add resistance by adjusting its incline downwards slightly until it’s right back where it started.

Exercise Details

Decline Bench Press A decline bench can be use for both flat and incline bench presses. The difference in weight load is achieve by adjusting your body position on the seat and not by adding or removing weight plates. To perform a decline bench press, lie face down on an adjustable-angle flat or adjustable-angle incline bench with your feet on either end of an exercise bench, keeping them close together. Your head should be center over your spine so you are looking straight forward at all times during exercise execution.

Benefits of Decline Bench Presses

The Decline Bench Press, done properly and at an appropriate weight load, is very safe. If you experience shoulder pain from incline bench presses, try switching over to Decline Bench Presses; they will put less stress on your shoulders. Additionally, if you are rehabbing or working around shoulder injuries, then it’s likely that Decline Bench Presses are going to be safer for you. While some may argue otherwise, there is also evidence suggesting that Incline Bench Presses aren’t as good of a muscle builder as regular bench presses and performing fewer reps with heavier weights can actually lead to greater muscle growth than lifting lighter weights for more reps.

Tips on Lifting Safely

Always be conscious of your surroundings when you’re working out. Even if you’re lifting in a gym or on exercise equipment at home, it’s smart to choose an area that allows others to walk past without interrupting your set. That way, someone can lend assistance if you should fall or need help spotting during exercises like bench presses and lunges. Bench pressing without spotters is never recommend because, even if nothing goes wrong during your set. Someone still needs to be around when you rack (lower) your weight so they can make sure it doesn’t fall on top of you!

Proper Technique and Form

A decline bench press is perform on an incline bench which allows you to use heavier weights without your lower back having to support as much of your body weight. This can be great for people who suffer from lower back pain when performing regular bench presses or military presses. Start by lying face down with your feet flat on the floor, hips resting against the end of a bench, and arms locked out straight over your chest holding dumbbells. While inhaling deeply, push through your feet and extend your arms upwards until they are fully extend in front of you. Try not to flare out your elbows as you extend them but keep them close to sides of your torso.


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