General goods are products that we use every day. Selling these items on Ebay might not sound as exciting as selling collectibles or antiques, but it is possible to make a good, constant income from selling general goods. Tools, bulk consumables, and hobby supplies are examples of items which are always “in season”....
Have you just finished booking your Hawaii vacation? If you have, you may think that you are all set and ready to go. In reality, there is one more step that you should take. That step involves familiarizing yourself with Hawaii activities. As for why you should take the time...
Donald Rumsfeld, under fire from a platoon of retired generals who have called for his resignation, went on the offensive by appointing himself a retired general. Accompanied by a currently employed general, who, as the head of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff, is his usual sidekick, he stated, “As The Secretary of Defense,...
There are still some places in the U.S. where you'll find a more or less authentic general store, a concept which was born in the days of the Old West and the pioneers. With nothing but wilderness for many miles around, the general store was the place to go to find all of your...
The capital of Louisiana has its Baton Rouge General Hospital that has been serving the community for around a hundred years. It was founded by Dr. T. P. Singletary. The physicians & caregivers here provide for quality health services to the patients. Baton Rouge General Hospital is a non-profit, community-owned facility that provides valuable...