Maintaining or restoring the "looks-like-new" condition of their automobiles is a consuming interest for most car owners. Most owners are interested in preserving their investment, and in enjoying the full use of their vehicle as long as possible. Other owners are interested in restoring a vehicle to the best condition...
We live in an age of information and technology that has made everything around us smarter. Electronic and digital components have made life easier in our homes, offices, and automobiles. Some of life's bells and whistles, like nose hair trimmers, are no more than budget-grabbing gizmos. However there are many...
The process of Web application development is critical to the success of web-based projects. The proper processes can not be enforced unless technical environments are properly setup. Technical environments are required for development, test and production. Web applications architecture is typically in 3-tiers. Applications are developed on NT platforms, and deployed to...
The law does not legislate morality in a person. There is no statute that exists mandating an employer to be courteous or decent, for a person is free to do what he pleases and how he pleases it. Liberty, this “greatest of all rights,” is constitutionally guaranteed and Congress has...
Self and Society The Expansion of the Social Self in Environment learning The development of the social self takes practice and skills to succeed. The development of self in environment learning can be done in due time using meditation, exercises or anything else that will help guide you in development skills. Focusing on this...